11 avril 2014

Voici un domaine qui me semble vraiment très intéressant!
Mechanism design (sometimes called reverse game theory) is a field in game theory studying solution concepts for a class of private information games. Leonid Hurwicz explains that 'in a design problem, the goal function is the main “given,” while the mechanism is the unknown. Therefore, the design problem is the “inverse” of traditional economic theory, which is typically devoted to the analysis of the performance of a given mechanism.'[1] So, two distinguishing features of these games are: that a game "designer" chooses the game structure rather than inheriting one that the designer is interested in the game's outcome
Quel jeu, quelles règles, crée les comportements désirés? Il faut vraiment que je creuse un peu sur cette "théorie des jeux inversée"!

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